Cypress HS






The Grad Nite Celebration is a safe, sane, drug and alcohol-free way for our kids to celebrate graduation: an all-night, over-the-top, fun and fabulous night of entertainment, music, activities, food, prizes, and much more! It's a wonderful way for our graduates to spend one last night together as a class before embarking on their new adventures. It's also a way to keep our kids safe on graduation night, which has statistically proven to be one of the most dangerous nights in a teenager's life.

Grad Nite is a VERY BIG project requiring parent volunteers and fundraising to be successful. The Grad Nite Committee is made up of dedicated parent volunteers from ALL grade levels. This is a fun and exciting way to volunteer at Cypress High and be involved in planning the all-night party for the graduating class and organizing the annual Fiesta Dinner and Auction to be held on March 13, 2020 to raise funds for Grad Nite. We are all parent volunteers and we need your help to make it all happen! The Grad Nite Committee is not just for parents of seniors; it is crucial to the program that parents of freshmen, sophomores and juniors also get involved to maintain the success of the Grad Nite tradition. We want this safe and sober celebration to continue for years to come. Remember, all of your children will be seniors some day! 

Grad Nite Committee meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month @ 7:15pm at Cypress High in media center. Please come join us and get involved. You will meet some nice people, you will be appreciated, and your time will be well-spent! It takes all of us working cooperatively to make Grad Nite a success. With your help, we look forward to hosting another wonderful and memorable evening for the graduating class. Please feel free to email with any questions. Also, become a friend of Cypress High Grad Nite on Facebook to get up-to-date information, or check out our website ( or We look forward to meeting you!!


 Contact Grad Nite Committee:








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